

Demand Removal of Bhagavad Gita Shloka from the Movie “Oppenheimer”
Petition to Christopher Nolan

We are deeply offended by a scene in the Christopher Nolan’s Hollywood ...

ajayshah 194 supporters 43
Denounce Hinduphobia at Teaneck Democratic Municipal Committee (TDMC)
Petition to Alexandra Soriano-Taveras

Teaneck Democratic Municipal Committee, a Democratic party unit in Bergen County, NJ ...

ajayshah 369 supporters 155
Cancel Hinduphobic Conference at Toronto Public Library co-sponsored by Ryerson University
Petition to Linda Hazzan

The Hindu community of Canada has recently become aware that the Ryerson ...

American Hindus Against Defamation - AHAD HinduPACT 377 supporters 225
Request Universities to Prevent Targeting Hindus and Disavow Hate Event “Dismantling Global Hindutva”
Petition to Presidents / Chancellors

Take immediate action to prevent vilification and intimidation of students, faculty and ...

American Hindus Against Defamation - AHAD HinduPACT 3,6K supporters 2,4K
Tell State Legislators – Swastika is NOT a Hate Symbol!
Petition to State Legislators - General Consent

Hitler never used the word “Swastika”, and instead used the same symbol, ...

American Hindus Against Defamation - AHAD HinduPACT 844 supporters 537