The Hindu community of Canada has recently become aware that the Ryerson University and the Toronto Public Library have joined hands in holding an event on December 9, titled “Modi’s India: How Hindu Nationalism has Eroded the World’s Largest Democracy”
We are deeply alarmed at this attempt by two publicly funded institutions in Canada to allow their platform to be used to spread a false and concocted narrative about the vibrant democracy of India, a country with which a vast majority of the Hindu Canadians have deep emotional ties. This is nothing short of an attempt to promote a hateful and denigrating narrative against the Hindu community in the guise of sanctimonious pontification on India’s democracy.
The Hindu Canadians are a peaceful community, living in harmony with the society at large and making outsized contributions to all facets of Canadian life.
However, they are extremely concerned that such a malicious event, if allowed to go forward, will promote an atmosphere of hatred against them, and as such, represents a potential risk to their material and physical well-being. The Indophobia and Hinduphobia created by events such as this have led to bullying against Hindu and Indians in schools and colleges and physical violence against Indians and Hindus in North America as evident by violent gangs like Dotbusters in the 1980s and recent attack on a Hindu man of Indian origin in Kansas, USA
We, therefore, demand that:
1. This event must be cancelled immediately.
2. Ryerson University and Toronto Public Library issue an immediate apology to the Hindu community for the anguish caused by this blatantly Hinduphobic event
3. The University and the Library set up a program to train their employees and students to understand India, Hindu Dharma and Hindu culture to make them more religio-culturally sensitive.
This entire resolution smacks of factual distortion, gaslighting, outright lying and is an attempt to tarnish and taint a diverse range of independent organization by finding them somehow guilty by association with RSS.
First off the very idea that RSS is a Nazi /Fascist organization itself is flatly untrue and a trope initiated by it’s detractors that has taken on a life of its own and has no basis in fact. For more details watch
Further more the attempt to characterize it as a para-military organization is also malicious and not born out by any facts. On top of this the attempt to target organizations like Sewa, HAF etc. that had nothing to do with any of the episodes mentioned in question, is malicious and smacks of an attempt to portray them all as a monolith. This is a classic tactic used by hate mongers looking to otherize their targets so they can attack them.
It is quite clear that whichever groups are behind this resolution already had Sewa, HAF and others in their crosshairs and they used the Teaneck Municipal Democratic Committee as a proxy to train their guns on them.
This highly defamatory resolution must be rejected in it’s entirety and withdrawn
Simply put, this resolution itself is rascist and fascist- targeting the Hindu American community with no rhyme or reason. This aims to create negative bias against Hindus and will be the primary reason for many of the hate crimes that will happen as a result. I completely condemn this senseless and baseless resolution from the Democratic Party. I have been a registered Democrat but if such shameful things continue, I wouldn’t be following such a biased party anymore!
I strongly condemn this biased resolution as it’s targeting peaceful Hindu organizations who have selflessly gone above and beyond to help these very American communities during calamities, be it COVID or anything else. This resolution itself is fascist and rascist targeting the ideal minority Hindus in America for no rhyme or reason. Actions have consequences. The Teaneck democrats will be directly responsible for any hate speeches or hate crimes against Hindu Americans by Americans who read or believe their statements. I have been a registered Democrat myself but I will not be following this biased party anymore. It’s fast becoming the new Nazi and loosing its inclusive unbiased approach.
We are the people who respect and love everyone children to older. This is in our blood and nature.So we never create any kind of crime or trouble to society.
There is no place for bigotry and hate. This unfounded hate against Hindus has to be labeled and denounced.
Anti Hindu is absolutely no..
Bigotry against hindu community
I expect a Canadian university to deal in facts and not unverfiable (because they are false) allegations. An incestuous hot tob is not what a university should be.
Hinduphobia is a blatant human rights violation
Stop Hinduphobia