Petition to State Legislators - General Consent

Tell State Legislators – Swastika is NOT a Hate Symbol!

Tell State Legislators – Swastika is NOT a Hate Symbol!
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Note: This is a general consent. Sign it once and every time, any state legislation comes up, we will use this petition and all signatures here and send it out.  

Hitler never used the word “Swastika”, and instead used the same symbol, calling it Hakenkreuz, for the past 70 years, the Swastika continues to remain a vilified and maligned symbol. This must be corrected. Instead of censoring the symbol, we must celebrate the positive  history of it.

American Jewish Committee (AJC) working with the VHPA and other Hindu organizations in Washington, DC has produced a brochure titled, “Understanding Swastika, Use and Abuse of a sacred symbol.”  The AJC brochure quotes, the following from Declaration of the Second Hindu-Jewish Leadership Summit, held in February 2008, Jerusalem, “The Svastika is an ancient and greatly auspicious symbol of the Hindu tradition. It is inscribed on Hindu temples, ritual altars, entrances, and even account books. A distorted version of this sacred symbol was misappropriated by the Third Reich in Germany, and abused as an emblem under which heinous crimes were perpetrated against humanity, particularly the Jewish people. The participants recognize that this symbol is, and has been sacred to Hindus for millennia, long before its misappropriation.” 

To label the Swastika as a symbol of hate would be a grave insult to 1.8 billion Hindus and Buddhists around the world. It would be a grave insult to over five million Hindus in America and additional six million followers of Buddhist, Jain and Sikh followers who come from diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds, and contribute immensely to the community and economy. 

Today’s political climate demonstrates the importance of diversity and celebrating ones’ heritage. Maligning this ancient heritage would be a step backwards in promoting interfaith harmony and would lead to increase in hate crimes and Hinduphobia.  AHAD demands that the meaning and significance of Swastika be included in the educational curriculum so that the hate crimes against Hindus are not perpetuated.

April 15, 2021

844 Supporters

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Letter to
USA State Legislators, State Legislators - General Consent

Respected State Legislator,

Hitler never used the word “Swastika”, and instead used the same symbol, calling it Hakenkreuz, for the past 70 years, the Swastika continues to remain a vilified and maligned symbol. This must be corrected. Instead of censoring the symbol, we must celebrate the positive  history of it.

American Jewish Committee (AJC) working with the VHPA and other Hindu organizations in Washington, DC has produced a brochure titled, “Understanding Swastika, Use and Abuse of a sacred symbol.”  The AJC brochure quotes, the following from Declaration of the Second Hindu-Jewish Leadership Summit, held in February 2008, Jerusalem, “The Svastika is an ancient and greatly auspicious symbol of the Hindu tradition. It is inscribed on Hindu temples, ritual altars, entrances, and even account books. A distorted version of this sacred symbol was misappropriated by the Third Reich in Germany, and abused as an emblem under which heinous crimes were perpetrated against humanity, particularly the Jewish people. The participants recognize that this symbol is, and has been sacred to Hindus for millennia, long before its misappropriation.” 

To label the Swastika as a symbol of hate would be a grave insult to 1.8 billion Hindus and Buddhists around the world. It would be a grave insult to over five million Hindus in America and additional six million followers of Buddhist, Jain and Sikh followers who come from diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds, and contribute immensely to the community and economy. 

Today’s political climate demonstrates the importance of diversity and celebrating ones’ heritage. Maligning this ancient heritage would be a step backwards in promoting interfaith harmony and would lead to increase in hate crimes and Hinduphobia.  American Hindus Against Defamation (AHAD), and the signatories of this letter demand that the meaning and significance of Swastika be included in the educational curriculum so that the hate crimes against Hindus are not perpetuated.


The Signatories of the Campaign "Swastika is Sacred"


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American Hindus Against Defamation - AHAD HinduPACT start this petition
4 years ago


Hemant Kumar
Hemant Kumar

Those organizing the conference do not know anything or if they are intentionally holding such an event are traitors and enemies of india who get tons of money to hold the conference. The Hindus in Canada must protest and condemn the conference and expose the organizers antecedents

Naveen Sharma
Naveen Sharma

I am a Hindu

Rekha Reddy
Rekha Reddy

Save Hinduism


As a Hindu who grew up with the Swastika symbol as a key auspicious part of my life (without any of the hatred associated with the Nazi Hakenkreuz symbol), I request this misinformation about swastika be corrected.

Prasad S
Prasad S

I support Swastik as faithfulness in Hindu religion and has history of 10000+ years . Please donot compare to Nazi symbol which has only 70 years of history

Shivaram Sitaram
Shivaram Sitaram

I support this petition

Veena Katdare
Veena Katdare

I believe this misconception needs to be addressed


I am currently in Bharat and agree on misrepresentation of Symbol of Swastik. It is secured symbol for Hindus for generations.

Gaurang G. Vaishnav
Gaurang G. Vaishnav

I am appalled by ignorance of elected representatives.

Gaurang G. Vaishnav
Gaurang G. Vaishnav

I am appalled by ignorance of the elected representatives.

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844 Supporters
156 needed to reach 1,000
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